Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Public School Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Public School - Essay Example Mr. Bellamy, the magazine's circulation director, brought together those words to be recited by children in celebration of Columbus Day. The pledge was reprinted and sent out to schools across the country, and more than 12 million students joined in that year. Very shortly after that, Mr. Bellamy's composed words became an everyday service in the nation's classrooms. The words "my Flag" were replaced by the phrase "the Flag of the United States of America", in June 1923, at the National Flag Conference in Washington. In 1924 the oath's wording was changed slightly (the original "my flag" became "the flag of the United States of America"). Officially recognized by the government in 1942, the pledge became compulsory in some public schools, but the following year the Supreme Court ruled that recitation could not be required of any individual. It continues, however, to be mandatory or recommended in a majority of the states and is a daily fixture in most American classrooms. The final alteration to the pledge occurred in 1954 when, by a joint order of Congress, the words "under God" were inserted. The change is usually ascribed to a cold-war attempt at differentiating the United States from officially atheistic Communist countries. The addition caused little stir when it was enacted, but in 2002 opposition to it resulted in a federal appeals court ruling that the words are unconstitutional because they violate the First Amendment's prohibition against government endorsement of religion. An appeal of the controversial decision is pending. (W. Baer, 1992) Thesis Statement An allegiance to one's country eventually leads to active civic and political involvement and engagement. Body of the Essay Services, forms and customs of patriotism were first employed in the United States between the Civil War and World War I. At the end of the bloodiest civil war of the 19th century, the combatants left the battlefields for political, economic, and cultural arenas, where the struggle to make a nation continued with renewed intensity. In fact, many of the patriotic denotations and rituals that we now take for granted or think of as timeless were created during this period and emerged not from a harmonious, national consensus, but out of fiercely contested debates, even over the wording of the Pledge. Confronted by the dilemma that Americans are made, not born, educators and organizations, such as the Grand Army of the Republic, Women's Relief Corps, and Daughters of the American Republic, campaigned to transform schools, in George Balch's words, into a "mighty engine for the inculcation of patriotism." The point is not to downplay the value of civic knowledge or the promise of America's democratic commitments to equality and justice; rather, it is to help students use their love of country as a motivation to critically assess what is needed to make it better. Public Schools do not intend to turn students into critics of the United States, such that they do not portray any appreciation for its virtues. At the same time, these schools are not failing to assist the students in recognizing the role critique can play as a way to help make society better. An allegiance to one's country eventually leads to active involvement. This is also evident from the survey in a number of public schools.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Growing Up in s Christian Family
Growing Up in s Christian Family Being raised up in a spiritually oriented family has its mix of blessings and curses. The blessings are certainly the security and stability of a family whose foundation is strongly well planted in the Word of God. The curses are the problems that come as a result of being swept along the river of the faith of the parents. I am writing this paper with intentions of highlighting the readers with these problems in mind. As one deal with considering the faith of the pre-adolescent children from within the congregation or from the family prospective, one ought to ask the question, When are children ready to make the faith commitment of their life? Therefore, before I draw my ideas from other various sources, I would like to start with a personal experience of a friend of mind whom I came to know during my basic combat training in Fort Jackson, South Carolina, and whom we are stationed together in Camp Robinson, North Little Rock. Andrew is chaplain assistance for my army unit and my close battle buddy whom I thought would be a best candidate to interview for my research paper. Based on his responses to my curiosity about his spiritual life, he informed me that his family was deeply involved in the life of the church way before he was born. His father was a church leader. Among his best friends, was the son of the church chairman and another was the pastors son. According to Andrew, he spent much of his time with his friends both at the church and at each others homes. Each of their parents played a role in their formative years. This was our extended family. We were more like cousins than friends, for each of our natural extended families were hundreds of miles away, he said with a serious look on his face. He went further by saying that they were no different from the other kids, but evidently the bond that they had, held them closer to the influence of the church. So, when it came to making a decision for Christ, there really was no decision, he said. In the case of Andrew, one is left to believe they had no other choice other than go with the flow. So, as early as the age of five, the three of the best friends would respond to the request of their childrens chapel teacher and prayed that Jesus would come into their hearts without having a firm cognitive sense of their prayers. Was there a change in their lives? No, they were simply following the natural order of events for children in the church. Furthermore, Andrew stated that when they were twelve, after several years later, their Sunday school class met in the pastors study for baptism and membership class. Again, expectations dictated that by this time in their lives it was time to take this step. So, one Sunday evening the three friends, along with others in their class, stepped into the water and were baptized. Were we demonstrating to the world that we were now dead in our sins and transformed into new life in Christ? he wondered. No, we were following the sequence of events of all the church kids that went before us. It was a right of passage into the next level of life in the church. Were we forced or coerced into doing this? No, we desired to take these steps because it was the proper thing to do. Andrew confessed that as he grew in his understanding and faith, he came to resent both the actions of the church and home. He perceived the events as irresponsible and meaningless. He felt that he had been misled and was given a false sense of his position in Christ. I concluded that I was not saved during those early years and I objected to the practice of child evangelism, he protested. This state of hostility toward his church lasted for about three years during his late teens as he struggled with his own identity and his relationship with God. Now, Andrew is a married man and Chaplain assistance in the military unit. His wife and he are planning to have children in the nearest future. Therefore, in light of his own spiritual development he is left to wonder how he would measure a childs spiritual readiness or more explicitly, how would he know when a child is ready to make a decision for Christ and for baptism? It is with this question that every parents out there should bear in mind when considering spiritual formation of their preadolescence children. Another point one would want to put extra emphasis on is the psychological development theory. Those of us who went through adolescent stage and the parents who work or live with adolescents know first-hand that they are at once impossible to live with and a joy to have around. They are moody, critical, combative, and absent-minded; they are also creative, energetic, and impassioned about the world and their place in it. However, research on pre-adolescents development has shown clearly that the surface behaviors of early adolescents provide poor clues as to what is really going on inside them, in their minds and souls. The common perception of students in middle schools is that they are constantly in storm and stress, peer driven, rebellious toward adults, moody, uncommunicative and unpredictable. Unfortunately, these views are popular myths and have resulted in generations of misunderstanding and inappropriate attention to the needs of 10 to 14 years old. Early adolescents are rarely perceived as being deeply thinking, caring and valuing individuals who are greatly influenced by loving adults. They are in the final stages of developing the character and personality that will distinguish them as adults; difficult, serious and personal questions and inquiries into the meaning of life and death are very important, for they play a crucial role in their faith development. In his theory of cognitive development (Table 1), Jean Piaget put forth the intellectual counterpart of biological adaptation to the environment. He said that as we adapt biologically to our environment, so too we adapt intellectually. Through assimilation, accommodation and rejection, the external world is organized and given structure. Adaptation begins at birth with the exercise of sensory-motor reflexes. Differentiations via reflexes are the first adaptations that are of eventual importance in cognitive development. As the child develops, the adaptations he makes are increasingly less related to sensory and motor behaviors alone, and may be less clearly seen as adaptations by the untrained eye. Each successive stage is built upon the one before in an accumulating, orderly, sequential and hierarchical manner. Yet the cognitive structures are developed in an invariant sequence. That is, the course of cognitive development, marked by the development of structures, is the same for all children, although the ages at which they attain particular structures may vary with intelligence and the social environment (Piaget and Inhelder, 1969, p. 153). Erik Erikson, in his theory of psychosocial stages (Table 2), similarly stated that an individuals personality develops according to predefined steps that are maturationally set. Society is structured in a way that invites and encourages the challenges that arise at these particular times. Each stage presents the individual with a crisis. If a particular crisis is handled well, the outcome is positive. If it is not handled well, the outcome is negative. The resolution of each stage lays the foundation for negotiating the challenges of the next. Lawrence Kohlberg views the development of morality in terms of moral reasoning (Table 3). The stage of moral reasoning at which people can be placed depends upon the reasoning behind their decisions, not the decisions themselves. He believes that the stages are sequential and that people do not skip stages, although they enter and leave them at varying times. Implications on Spiritual Development Using Piagetian, Eriksonian and Kolbergian theory, James Fowler set out to explain the process of spiritual development in his description of several stages that occur in the development of faith in a persons lifetime (Table 4). He called the stage of most pre-adolescents to be mythic-literal faith. This stage is consistent with Piagets concrete operational stage and Eriksons industry vs. inferiority stage. It is at this stage that children develop their sense of position relative to others in the peer group by mastering the academic and social skills. Their individuality is defined by their position in the group. They become less egocentric and begin to understand complex concepts like conservation. The child still has difficulty though with abstract terms such as freedom and liberty. Children at this stage understand the world on a basic concrete level. Fowler states that most adolescents are at synthetic-conventional faith. This stage correlates to Eriksons identity vs. role confusion stage and a more mature level of Piagets concrete operational stage. They develop a sense of who they are and where they belong. A strong emphasis is placed on being part of the group. There is an even more intense need for conformity and the approval of the community. Their identification and expression of faith are an extension of their family, their church and their peers. During childhood, religious beliefs and behaviors are greatly influenced by ones parents. Children tend to imitate their parents beliefs and behaviors. In adolescence, however, there is a change and a questioning of many of these religious beliefs. David deVaus looked at the importance of parental influence in relation to religious values and behavior in Australian teenagers. The results showed that, at least for religious activity (behavior), both parents and peers were about equal in importance. However, when asked who had been most influential in development of their religious feelings, the most common answer was the mother (51 percent), followed by father (42 percent). According to Fowler it is not until a child reaches the next stage, individuative-reflective faith, that individuals begin to assume personal responsibility for their own commitments, life-styles, or beliefs. As this takes place, adolescents are forced to address unavoidable tensions between the person they want to be and what others expect of them. This stage is associated with Eriksons intimacy vs. isolation and the beginning level of Piagets formal operational stage when children begin to develop close interpersonal relationships, showing a willingness to commit to others. They begin to develop the ability to test hypotheses in a mature, scientific manner and can understand and communicate their positions on complex ethical issues that demand an ability to use the abstract. They can think about thinking that is they become aware of the processes where by they come to hold a particular opinion. They begin to own the beliefs they hold. They are becoming adults. Understanding the Implications and the Dangers A girls body can begin to take on the shape and features of a woman. She can speak with the sophistication associated with adolescence or even adulthood. Social and legal arrangements can permit new freedoms simply because a person reaches a certain age. But until the evolution of meaning becomes interpersonal, there is a very real sense in which the person is not yet an adolescent. If those around her should mistake physiology, calendar age, or verbal ability for psychological age and expect her to function inter-personally, they create a situation which is dangerous for the developing teenager. In his discussion on the dangers of applying developmental theory to spiritual growth, John Ackerman states that we can make three grave mistakes. First, we may have a tendency to rank individuals according to their development. Second, we may think that because we have labeled them, we know them. Third, we may take the groupings and define an absolute relationship between psychological and spiritual growth. We need to know where people are developmentally, but the focus is on God, in the persons perception of God. (Ackerman, 1994, p. 111) I will venture to say that most churches, mine included, proceed with the expectation that chronological age defines spiritual readiness with respect to issues such as faith commitment and baptism. Within the structure of our institutions we have rituals that are performed, with some regularity, with children entering puberty. The Jewish Bar Mitzvah, Catholic and Lutheran Confirmation, and Baptist and Brethren Baptism are examples of ordinances that the church observes when children have reached their pre-teen years. Tradition dictates that at this age a child is ready to begin the transition to adulthood. They need to begin taking the faith they have been taught since infancy and make it their own. But are our children really ready for such a step? Do they really understand the steps they are taking? The most common argument I hear in favor of child conversion are based on verses like the following: At that time Jesus said, I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Matt 11:25. And he said: I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Matt 18:3. Jesus said, Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these. Matt 19:14. Reasoning that God accepts the faith of a child, parents and teachers do their best to help the child to make these life decisions. But unfortunately, in the well-intentioned adults attempt to hurry up and save the children from eternal damnation, they have misunderstood the concept Jesus was teaching. Taken in their proper context we see that Jesus teachings were pointing not to the childish faith as being the characteristic he was seeking, but to the humility and trust of a child as being the characteristic he was seeking in his followers. This teaching is not for the children but for the adults to follow. At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? He called a little child and had him stand among them. And he said: I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me. But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. Matt 18:1-6 In each case, where Jesus speaks of the faith of a child he is using this attitude to offset the tendency for his followers to become proud and self-sufficient. One needs to see how helpless we really are without God and how our faith must grow out of ones trust rather than ones achievements. So how then do one assess childrens readiness to make these life changing decisions? One needs to consider each child as an individual and measure their spiritual readiness based upon their understanding of who God is and what he has done for them. Faith is a response to a need and if the child does not perceive the reality of the need then there cannot be true faith. Measuring Spiritual Readiness During a recent Texas Baptist evangelism conference held in Fort Worth, leaders of a Bring the Children to Jesus workshop said Children should come to Jesus just like grown-ups freely. Parents should neither push them into premature professions of faith nor neglect their spiritual nurture. Teach parents that they have a responsibility to God in the stewardship of their childrens spiritual development, said Karen Cavin, minister of childhood education at Mimosa Lane Baptist Church, Mesquite, Texas, who led the workshop with Wayne Shuffield Jr., pastor of Royal Haven Baptist Church, Dallas, and co-author of Bring the Children to Jesus, a resource published by the Baptist General Convention of Texas evangelism division. The gospel plan of salvation can be explained in terms an older child a fourth-, fifth- or sixth-grader can easily understand, they noted. Realize children think in literal terms, so avoid figurative language, they suggested. Shuffield and Cavin advised parents and church leaders to look for signs of readiness in children such as: Questions. Listen carefully to a childs questions about spiritual matters. If the child is asking who the guy was that climbed the sycamore tree, hes probably just asking for factual information about Zaccheus, Shuffield said. Just because you know the verse follows about the Son of Man coming to seek and save that which was lost, dont assume the child is making that leap. On the other hand, if a child begins to ask serious questions about sin, death and eternity, that could be a sign the Holy Spirit is drawing the child. Explore the level of interest and understanding by asking probing, open-ended questions, not queries that could be answered yes or no. Focus. Watch for a child who suddenly becomes focused on religious instruction. Unusual attentiveness in Sunday school or during worship could be a signal a child is ready to make a faith commitment. Behavioral changes. Anything from a sudden interest in Bible-reading to expressions of guilt over wrongdoing at home could mean God is working in a childs heart. Shuffield said that while some young children genuinely are converted, that is the exception, not the rule. Pastors, teachers and parents can help young children by distinguishing between the natural desire of a child to express love for Jesus and the life-changing decision of receiving him as Lord and Savior. At another workshop, Childrens Church A New Way, leaders suggested a combination of small-group sessions, self-guided activities and large-group time for childrens worship. Life development pastor Charlie McAllister and childrens worship leader Karen Lewis from the Houston-area Fellowship of The Woodlands said they incorporate lively music with a lot of hand motions, drama and secular videos with spiritual applications into their Adventure Zone childrens church service. We make it fun for the kids, Lewis said. Kids tell their parents, I want to go back to that church where they sing, dance and have donut holes.' We try not to make it like school, McAllister said. We want it to be fun. We involve the kids in worship. Our goal is to raise up a generation of worshipers. Kids learn by doing. Theres no altar call and no scare tactics. We let the Holy Spirit convict. In conclusion, taking the information presented by developmental psychology one might conclude that pre-adolescent children are simply not capable of making a decision for Christ. Maturely[ speaking, they have not developed the cognitive tools they need to come to this decision. Their thinking processes are still governed by mythical, literal understanding of their environment. They are more interested in fitting into the group than making individual decisions. But this conclusion would be flawed. Indeed, John Ackerman states that most adults within the church would possibly fall into this same category. Rather, when we look more closely at the evidence we come to the conclusion that there is no magical age at which a child suddenly becomes able to understand spiritual matters. It seems quite clear that the only way to assess the spiritual readiness of a child is on an individual basis. And the real problem exists not with the children but the adults who are trying to teach them. In our sometimes over-zealous attempts to bring children to a decision for Christ we forget what that decision is. First, it is the job of the Holy Spirit to convict the heart of the individual, to open their eyes to the truth, to help them understand the eternal significance of the decision. Only God knows when the time is right but we can watch for the signs to know when to open the Word to these children. Second, tradition and ritual can be quite meaningful in helping us define our relationship with God, but it cannot create that relationship. Only through teaching and discipleship can a child begin to define his or her own relationship with God. It is through good biblical teaching that the child will understand why he needs the relationship and through godly Christian modeling that the child will understand how he develops that relationship. In many ways our traditions have made it so much easier to deal with issues pertaining to the spiritual development of children. They define the quantifiable standard and make the decision easy. They excuse us from the difficult job of working closely with each individual, to assess his or her specific spiritual needs. But in order to achieve the desired result a life-changing decision for Christ we must break free from our tradition and begin working to develop the spirituality of children in the only way that is truly effective individually. Table 1 COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT PIAGET A. Four Factors Determining Development 1) Maturation the gradual unfolding of the genetic plan for life. 2) Experience the active interation of the child with the environment. 3) Social Transmission the information and customs that are transmitted from parents and other people in the childs environment. 4) Process of Equalibration the process by which the child seeks a balance between what they know and what they are experiencing. When thay are faced with information that calls for a new and different analysis or activity, children enter a state of disequalibrium. When this occurs, they must change the way they deal with the information and establish a new, more stable state of equalibrium. B. Concepts and Processes 1) Scheme a method of dealing with the environment that can be generalized to many situations. 2) Adaptation can be understood in terms of adjustment. As the forces in the environment change, so must the individuals ability to deal with them. Adaptation involves two complementary processes: a) Assimilation In this process, input is filtered or modified to fit already existing structures. When we assimilate something, we alter the form of the incoming stimulus to adapt it to our already established actions or structures. b) Accomodation The process that involves modifying internal existing schemes to meet the requirements of the new experience. When we accommodate, we create a new scheme or modify old ones. C. Cognitive Development Stages 1) Sensorimotor Stage Birth to about Two years. Infants progress through their world using senses and motor activity. The develop object permanence, the understanding that objects and people do not disappear merely because they are out of sight. Their abilities are limited by an inability to use language or symbols to communicate. Intelligence during this stage involves organized systems or schemes of actions and behaviors that become increasingly complex and coordinated. 2) Preoperational Stage Age Two to Ten Children can use on thing to represent another. They can use language to go beyond their own direct experience. But their understanding of the world is still limited. They oftem believe that inanimate objects have a life of their own. They are egocentric, believing that everyone sees a situation the wat they do. Preschoolers do not understand conservation, the idea of something remaining the same despite changes in appearance. 3) Concrete Operational Stage Age Ten to Fifteen Children progress through this stage where many of the preoperational deficiencies are slowly overcome. Children begome less egocentric and begin to understand conservation. The child still has difficulty though with abstract terms such as freedom and liberty. Children in this stage understand the world only on a concrete level. 4) Formal Operational Stage Adolescence to Adulthood Children entering this stage now develop the ability to test hypotheses in a mature, scientific manner and can understand and communicate their positions on complex ethical issues that demand an ability to use the abstract. They can think about thinking that is they become aware of the processes where by they come to hold a particular opinion. Table 2 PSYCHOSOCIAL THEORY ERIKSON A. Eight Psychosocial Stages 1) Trust vs. Mistrust The positive outcome of the stage of infancy is a sense of trust. If children are cared for in a warm, caring manner, they are apt to trust the environment and develop a feeling that they live among friends. If the parents are anxious, angry or incapable of meeting a childs needs, the child may develop a sense of mistrust. Trust is the cornerstone of the childs attitude toward life. 2) Autonomy vs. Shame or Doubt Toddlers are no longer completely dependent on adults. They practice new physical skills and develop a sense of autonomy. If they are not allowed to do the things they can do or are forced to do things they are not ready for, they may develop a sense of doubt and shame about their own abilities and fail to develop self-confidence. If encouraged to do what they can for themselves, they are helped to acquire a sense of autonomy. 3) Initiative vs. Guilt At age four or five, children begin to formulate plans and carry it through. If encouraged to form their own ideas, the child will develop a sense of initiative. If punished for expressing their own plans, the child develops a sense of guilt, which leads to fear and a lack of assertiveness. 4) Industry vs. Inferiority During middle childhood, children must learn the academic skills of reading, writing and math, as well as social skills. If they succeed in acquiring these skills and if their accomplishments are valued by others, the child develops a sense of industry. If they are constantly compared to others and come up a distinct second, they may develop a sense of inferiority. 5) Identity vs. Role Confusion During adolescence, children must decide their own vocational and personal future. They develop a sense of who they are and where they belong. The child who develops a strong sense of identity formulates a satisfying plan and gains a sense of security. Those who do not develop this sense of identity may develop role confusion, a sense of aimlessness and being adrift without an anchor or plan. 6) Intimacy vs. Isolation The positive outcome of the psychosocial crisis of young adults, involving development of close interpersonal relationships, most often typified by marriage. The negative outcome of this stage is the unwillingness or inability to commit to others. 7) Generativity vs. Stagnation The positive outcome of the psychosocial crisis of middle age involves giving of oneself and ones talents to others. It is primarily concerned with establishing and guiding the next generation, investing something of oneself in the future. The negative outcome of this stage involves absorption in ones own personal needs and an inability or unwillingness to give to others. 8) Integrity vs. Despair The positive outcome of this last stage involves the realization that ones life has been worthwhile. After a life time of facing challenges and problems, they can look back on a productive life. Mature adults have a different perspective on life and see their lives as having a purpose. People who see only missed opportunities may become bitter and depressed. Table 3 STAGES OF MORAL REASONING KOHLBERG A. Preconventional Level The child is responsive to cultural rules and labels of good and bad, right and wrong, but interprets these either in terms of the physical or hedonistic consequences of action( punishment, reward, exchange favors) or in terms of the physical power of those who enunciate the rules. The level is divided into two stages: Stage 1: Punishment and obedience orientation. The physical consequences of action determine its goodness or badness regardless of the meaning or value of these consequences. Avoidance of punishment and unquestioning deference to power are valued in their own right, not in terms of respect for an underlying moral order. Stage 2: Instrumental relativist orientation. Right action is that which instrumentally satisfies ones own needs and occasionally the needs of others. Human relations are viewed in terms of the marketplace. Fairness, reciprocity, and equal sharing are present, but are always interpreted in a physical, pragmatic way. Reciprocity is a matter of you scratch my back and Ill scratch yours, not of loyalty, gratitude, or justice. B. Conventional Level Maintaining the expectations of the individuals family, group, or nation is perceived as valuable in its own right, regardless of consequences. The attitude is not only one of conformity to personal expectations and social order but also of loyalty to it, of actively maintaining, supporting, and justifying it, of identifying with persons or group involved in it. This level has two stages: Stage 3: Interpersonal concordance or good boy / nice girl orientation. Good behavior is that which pleases or helps others and is approved by them. There is much conformity to stereotypical images of what is majority or natural behavior. Behavior is frequently judged by intention he means well becomes important for the first time. One earns approval by being nice. Stage 4: Law and order orientation Orientation is toward authority, fixed rules, and the maintenance of the social order. Right behavior consists of doing ones duty, showing respect for authority, maintaining the social order for its own sake. C. Postconventional, Autonomous, or Principled Level The person makes a clear effort to define moral values and principles that have validity and application apart from the authority of the groups or persons holding these principles, and apart from the individuals own identification with these groups. This level has two stages: Stage 5: Social-contact, legalistic orientation Generally with utilitarian overtones. Right action is defined in terms of general individual rights and standards that have been critically examined and agreed upon by society. The person is clearly aware of the relativism of values and opinions and so emphasizes procedural rule for reaching consensus. Aside from what is constitutionally and democratically agreed upon, right is a matter of personal values and opinions; emphasis is thus on the legal point of view, but with the possibility of changing law in terms of rational considerations of social utility rather than freezing law for the sake of social order. Outside the legal realm, free agreement and contract is the binding element. This is the official morality of the American government and Constitution. Stage 6: Universal ethical principle orientation Right is defined by the decision of conscience in accord with self-chosen ethical principles appealing to logical comprehensiveness, universality, and consistency. These principles are abstract and ethical; they are not concrete moral rules. At the heart, these are universal principles of justice of the reciprocity and equality of human rights and of respect for the dignity of human beings as individual persons. Table 4 STAGES OF FAITH DEVELOPMENT FOWLER Stages Description of Characteristics Pre Stage: Primal Faith * Undifferentiated faith (Infants to 2 years) * Embedded in reflexes, sensing, sensor motor skills Stage One: Intuitive-Projective Faith * Reflection of parental /family faith and religious traditions (Pre-school childr
Friday, October 25, 2019
Solar Power Essay example -- science
Solar Power All life on Earth depends on energy from the sun. Solar energy is the source of energy for photosynthesis. It provides the warmth necessary for plants and animals to survive. The heat from the sun causes water on the Earth's surface to evaporate and form clouds that eventually provide fresh rainwater. Solar energy is the result of thermonuclear fusion reactions deep within the sun. These reactions produce so much energy that they keep the surface temperature of the sun at about 10,300B0F. Even though solar energy is the largest source of energy received by the Earth, its intensity at the Earth's surface is actually very low due to the large distance between the Earth and the sun and the fact that the Earth's atmosphere absorbs and scatters some of the radiation. Even on a clear day with the sun directly overhead, the energy that reaches the Earth's surface is reduced about 30 percent by the atmosphere. When the sun is near the horizon and the sky is overcast, the solar energy at ground level can be negligible. It also varies from one point to another on the Earth's surface. Nevertheless, in the 20th century, the sun's energy has become an increasingly attractive source for small amounts of direct power to meet human needs. A number of devices for collecting solar energy and converting it into electricity have been developed, and solar energy is used in a variety of ways. Solar energy is used to heat houses, and in many countries specially designed solar... Solar Power Essay example -- science Solar Power All life on Earth depends on energy from the sun. Solar energy is the source of energy for photosynthesis. It provides the warmth necessary for plants and animals to survive. The heat from the sun causes water on the Earth's surface to evaporate and form clouds that eventually provide fresh rainwater. Solar energy is the result of thermonuclear fusion reactions deep within the sun. These reactions produce so much energy that they keep the surface temperature of the sun at about 10,300B0F. Even though solar energy is the largest source of energy received by the Earth, its intensity at the Earth's surface is actually very low due to the large distance between the Earth and the sun and the fact that the Earth's atmosphere absorbs and scatters some of the radiation. Even on a clear day with the sun directly overhead, the energy that reaches the Earth's surface is reduced about 30 percent by the atmosphere. When the sun is near the horizon and the sky is overcast, the solar energy at ground level can be negligible. It also varies from one point to another on the Earth's surface. Nevertheless, in the 20th century, the sun's energy has become an increasingly attractive source for small amounts of direct power to meet human needs. A number of devices for collecting solar energy and converting it into electricity have been developed, and solar energy is used in a variety of ways. Solar energy is used to heat houses, and in many countries specially designed solar...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Relationship Between Machbeth and Lady Macbeth Essay
Throughout the play Macbeth, there is an ongoing relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. Right away you pick up that Lady Macbeth is a very cold controlling person, while her husband is very naive and weak. The relationship these two share is as what most people would see as unhealthy. There are never any agreements, there is never any reasoning, itââ¬â¢s one way, Lady Macbethââ¬â¢s way, and thatââ¬â¢s it. This is one of the biggest factors as to why all these tragedies happened. She sparked Macbethââ¬â¢s dark side, she brought it out of him and as the play progresses, you see how Macbeth is out of control and how Lady Macbeth loses all her power over him. The roles become reversed and it leads to one big mess spiralling out of control. Macbeth, once a meek, loyal man is influenced by his cold, cruel wife and from there, tragedy strikes. The relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, you can see right away is not a good one. She is the type of person who has to have it her way. She is making Macbeth live the life she wants. When the three witches foresee him becoming King of Scotland, Lady Macbeth doesnââ¬â¢t even question if he will achieve it or whether to try, she orders him to be it saying ââ¬Å"Shalt be thou art promisedâ⬠(Macbeth 1, V). Besides her always taunting and ordering Macbeth, you never see any affection between the two. You never hear them acting like a normal married couple. It seems as if they are just two people with the label of husband and wife. They can never just have a normal conversation, itââ¬â¢s always orders and arguments. Macbeth never wants to let down or disappoint her, itââ¬â¢s almost like he is scared of her. This relationship is what causes the tragedies. Lady Macbeth has a huge influence on Macbeth. Their relationship has to be the engine that sparked all the deaths. It starts off by Lady Macbeth ordering him to kill King Duncan, the King of Scotland. She first taunts him by saying ââ¬Å"It is too full oââ¬â¢thââ¬â¢milk of human kindness to catch the nearest wayâ⬠(Macbeth 1, V). This shows how cold Lady Macbeth is, as milk is the food of a new born child, she implies Macbeth is too much like a kind child to murder anyone, which is a method used to spur Macbeth on into killing the King. When Macbeth finally finds the courage to tell her he doesnââ¬â¢t want to kill, she shuts him down instantly. She goes ââ¬Å"And live a coward in thine own esteemâ⬠(Macbeth, 1, VVI). This is a huge insult to Macbeth, and this is what finalizes his decision to kill King Duncan. You can see how she starts rubbing off on him when he says ââ¬Å"False face must hide what the false heart doth knowâ⬠(Macbeth 1, VVI). As the play continues, Lady Macbeth is constantly telling Macbeth what has to be done. Killing after killing, she is in his ear about what to do next. Eventually, Macbeth has no more control over his darkness and you quickly see things start to change. Once Macbeth started getting more confident by his killings, he realized he was gaining more and more power, and his ambition grew stronger and out of control. You start to see his and Lady Macbethââ¬â¢s relationship change. Lady Macbeth starts feeling guilty in act three. ââ¬Å"Tis safer to be that which we destroy, than by destruction dwell in doubtful joyâ⬠(Macbeth 3, II), this shows she realizes that getting what you want doesnââ¬â¢t bring peace. Despite the fact that both are feeling guilty, Lady Macbeth tries to remain strong in front of Macbeth ââ¬Å"Things with without all remedy should be without regard: whatââ¬â¢s done is doneâ⬠. This shows Lady Macbeth again telling Macbeth that the murder has happened and that he should get over it, as nothing can be done to change it. There is however a hint of remorse in Lady Macbethââ¬â¢s voice, showing how she is losing her power over Macbeth, mainly because she is finding it hard to get over her guilt. It happens once again when Macbeth shouts out ââ¬Å"O, full of scorpions is my mind, dear wifeâ⬠(Macbeth, 3, II). This is where we understand Macbeth cannot let go, he has to now take the matter of murder into his own hands. As the scenes go by, you see Macbeth making his own decisions. He starts killing firstly without conscience or guilt, and secondly, without Lady Macbethââ¬â¢s consent. He stop telling her his plans and when Lady Macbeth hears word of her husbandââ¬â¢s actions, she is overwhelmed with guilt and commits suicide. When he finds out about this, he shrugs off her death, he felt more guilty about the killing of the King, a person he hardly even knew, than the death of his wife, the woman he believed to have loved. This proves that one, either Macbeth was in too deep with his evil side at this point, he showed no remorse, or two, he didnââ¬â¢t really love his wife, another point proving their unhealthy relationship. Perhaps it is Lady Macbethââ¬â¢s cold hearted ways that have taught Macbeth not to care, perhaps if there was no Lady Macbeth, Macbeth would still be the man he started off as. Every person has a dark side amongst themself, itââ¬â¢s just a matter of how you contain it. By the end of the play we see how the relationship has deteriorated to such a state Macbeth loses all emotions. He no longer cares who the person is, who will be affected by their murder, or if they deserve to die or not, if there is the possibility of them coming in the way of Macbeth and his dream, they are dead. Macbeth no longer has the fear of getting caught either. He believes he is invincible, that he can do anything. This just goes to show how much one person can have such a huge impact on your life and how the right amount of taunting and nagging mixed with a whole lot of ambition creates a very dangerous, deadly mix.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
How Does Golding Present Simon in Lord of the Flies-What Is His Role? Essay
William Goldings ââ¬Å"Lord of the fliesâ⬠, portrays a group of boys who find themselves stranded on a desert island in a deep battle between civilisation and primitive savagery. One of the boys portrayed, Simon, a boy who is kind and physically fragile expresses a deeper knowledge of the problems on the island that the other boys are unaware of. There are many differing viewpoints on his role in the novel. One of these is that he is a biblical parallel; Simon portrays a saintly figure, and shows many of the qualities demonstrated by Jesus Christ. He demonstrates a strong connection with nature throughout, and also is shown to be a character of strong goodwill and kindness. One of the reasons Simon is often thought of as a biblical parallel to Jesus Christ is because of his encounter with ââ¬Å"The beastâ⬠, which shows a strong resemblance to Jesusââ¬â¢ 40 days in the desert, in which he encountered the Devil and was tempted by him to leave his mission. In ââ¬Å"Lord of the Fliesâ⬠, Simon meets the beast during an epileptic fit. His mind, or the Beast tells him ââ¬Å"We are going to have fun on this islandâ⬠¦so donââ¬â¢t try it onâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ . Simon is being told that he must not tell the others what he knows, that they must have fun and Simon must not interfere, but he must just ââ¬Å"run off and playâ⬠. The name ââ¬Å"Lord of the Fliesâ⬠is a translation of a word thought to mean a powerful demon, or the devil himself. This shows that Simon may have represented Jesus in the novel. Simonââ¬â¢s death also shows resemblance to that of Jesus, which shows us that Simon may be Christââ¬â¢s representation in the novel. ââ¬ËSimon was crying out something of a dead man on a hill. ââ¬Ë This imagery is displayed just before Simon is mercilessly slaughtered by the other boys, a direct link to the image of Jesusââ¬â¢ crucifixion on the top of a hill. After Christ was killed, it was said that ââ¬ËThere was darkness over all the landâ⬠¦and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent.ââ¬â¢ These supernatural biblical descriptions recount the solar eclipse and the earthquake which took place after Jesusââ¬â¢ death. This relates to the death of Simon; ââ¬ËThe clouds opened and let down the rain like a waterfallââ¬â¢, signifying his death. When Jesus was crucified, he died to save mankind. This relates to Simon confronting the figure on the mountaintop. When he died ââ¬Å"the parachute took the figure forwardâ⬠¦and bumped it out to seaâ⬠. When Simon died, the dead air pilot was finallyà released from his purgatorial state on the island, and as Jesus died and salvaged mankind, Simon died and exorcised the soul who lingered between life and death, and between heaven and hell. This shows us that Simon had many strong parallels with Jesus and may have been his biblical parallel in the novel. Simon is a representation of hope and innocence on the island, and has a strong and vital connection with nature. In the novel, Simon has a special place in the forest where he can go and sit alone, at one with his surroundings. ââ¬Å"The sunlight pelted down and the butterflies danced.â⬠This description indicates that this place where Simon often resides is almost paradisiacal, and Simon is able to appreciate the true beauty of the island; itââ¬â¢s beauty is not thwarted by his presence, as it is with the other boys. Simon has a strong connection with the island and with nature itself. Simon is able to see the true beauty in the things that others cannot. The ââ¬Ëcreepersââ¬â¢, which had once hindered the boys and were previously referred to as ââ¬Ësnake-likeââ¬â¢, aid him and form ââ¬Ëa large matââ¬â¢. This shows his unity with nature. When Simon ventures into the forest the white ââ¬Ëcandle budsââ¬â¢ open themselves up, which and returned to peaceful place that he came from. Simon is connected with nature throughout the novel, but is only truly at one with it when he dies. The body of the dead airman being pulled out to sea could also symbolise Simons soul being finally released from the confines of life and returning to nature where it belongs. Simonââ¬â¢s true sense of pure goodwill is first demonstrated in his expressed concern for the more vulnerable boys. He help the littluns to get fruit, and ââ¬Ëpulled off the choicest from up in the foliage, passed them back down to the endless, outstretched handsââ¬â¢. He also helps Piggy to get his glasses back when Jack has knocked them off, showing that he does not discriminate against Piggy because he is different but chooses to help him, even if this may cause him to suffer in the future. These may indicate that Simon, though other characters may be thought of as ââ¬Å"goodâ⬠and kind, such as Piggy or Ralph, Simon shows no flaws at all. Simon possesses a deep knowledge and understanding about the truth of the island and the beast of which the other boys know not. He also seems to posses many mystic qualities. He is the first to understand truly that the beast is not a physical or material being, but something that lives within the boys. Unlike piggy or Ralph, who are able to appreciate adult knowledge and understanding, Simon possessesà the ability to see the darker side of knowledge. For Simon, the eyes of the Pigââ¬â¢s head on the stick are ââ¬Å"dim with the infinite cynicism of adult lifeâ⬠, meaning that adults believe nothing is ideal, therefore his realisation in itself is cynicalââ¬â the beast lives within the children, making Simon distrust the human nature. He knows the truth but is unable to get it across to the other boys; ââ¬Å"Simon became inarticulate in his effort to express mankindââ¬â¢sââ¬â¢ essential illnessâ⬠. Simon understands the truth behind the beast- that the beast itself thrives within the boys, is not something living that can be hunted, but is mankindââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"essential illnessâ⬠, the evil that lurks within all men, waiting to be released. The fact that Simon is ââ¬Å"inarticulateâ⬠shows that he is unable to express the truth to the others, and even if he had, the boys would not have listened or cared. His death relates to the elements- his knowledge is elemental . Golding shows us the significance of his death by shifting the focus from the movements of Simonââ¬â¢s body to the movements of the sun, the moon and the stars, inciting that Simonââ¬â¢s knowledge was as essential as the elements themselves. However, even though he is portrayed as a weak character right from the beginning, Simon is much braver than he seems; he is the one who climbs the mountain to encounter ââ¬Å"the beastâ⬠, at which he discovers that the beast is not material. Simon possesses a number of mystical qualities, such as his pathetic abilities. Simon prophesizes to Ralph ââ¬Å"youââ¬â¢ll get back to where you came fromâ⬠, almost indicating that he may not. Simon foresees his own death and predicts that Ralph will ret urn home. Another way in which Simonââ¬â¢s mystical qualities are shown is when he asks the other boys rhetorical questions which require much thought to answer, such as ââ¬Å"what is the dirtiest thing there is?â⬠All of these indicate that Simon is a mystic and possesses a much deeper and darker knowledge than the other boys. To conclude, Goldingââ¬â¢s presentation of Simon shows us his biblical parallel with Jesus and his significant unity with nature, which lets Simon see the true beauty of the island where others cannot, indicating that it is not the island that is against them but that the boys are against the island, truly centralised around destruction and savagery. He represents Hope and bravery and has a deep and perhaps dark knowledge, which enables him to perceive the truth much more clearly than the other boys. He also has a flawless good will. This shows us that Simonââ¬â¢s true role in the novel was that he aloneà had the power to save the boys from themselves, for he alone had the knowledge of the beastââ¬â¢s true nature. Simon was killed because of this, however he was killed as the beast ââ¬â yet it is ironic that he said the beast was ââ¬Å"only usâ⬠. Simon was the least beast-like, which makes one wonder whether him being less savage makes him more or less human.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Tuskegee Experiment Essays
Tuskegee Experiment Essays Tuskegee Experiment Essay Tuskegee Experiment Essay Cole Deck Mr. Russell English 10a 6 March 2012 Tuskegee Experiments This is possibly one of the most inhumane things to ever happen in the 20th century in the Untied States. The experiments that took place were the root of medical misconduct and blatant disregard for human rights that took place in the name of science. The ghastly medical expirements that took place between 1932 and 1972 was merely an observation of the different stages of syphilis. The men in these experiments for the most part were illiterate and from one of the poorest parts of Alabama. The men were also never told the disease they were suffering from the U. S Public Health Service told them they were being tested for ââ¬Å"bad blood. â⬠They were only watching the disease devour these unknowing men alive. If syphilis is untreated in such conditions, it can cause tumors, heart disease, paralysis, blindness, insanity, and death (drum). If the patients knew of the nature of the experiments, to ensure their complete cooperation. They were persuaded by free medical care for minor ailments, a hot meal, and fifty dollars for their time. Hardly any of these men have never been to see a doctor of any kind. The unsophisticated men were easy to manipulate and lie to, thus allowing the doctors to observe it without any question, which allowed it to reach the point of pure calamity. To the medical government, these men where only pawns in their chess game (drum). Eventually, penicillin was a standard cure for the disease, but was withheld from the men, because the scientist at Tuskegee wanted to continue the experiments to see how it spreads and kills (NPR). Tuskegee patients were put through hell for decades, the scientist saw them as animals in a lab. They reasoned that the knowledge gained would benefit humankind. Researchers could study the natural progression of the disease as long as they did not harm their subjects. Three hundred ninety nine black men were recruited for the trial, and 201 without syphilis as a control group. Reported from 1946 to 1948 American scientists intentionally infected prisoners, soldiers, and mental patients with syphilis. Almost 700 people had been exposed to syphilis without willing consent. After the subjects contracted this disease they were given antibiotics, but it was not noted that all parties were fully cured (Time). The aftermath of these experiments were atrocious. Out of the original 399, 28 had died of syphilis, 100 died of related complications, and 40 of their wives had been infected and 19 of their children had been born with congenital syphilis (NPR). One of the original doctors had admitted it ââ¬Å"was necessary to carry on this study under the symbol of a demonstration and provide the treatmentâ⬠(drum). The men were given the remedies for syphilis everyday, bismuth, neoarsphenamine, and mercury, but in such small amounts that only 3 percent showed any improvement (drum). The medicine prescribed didnt interfere with the initial study. Eventually they replaced all those remedies with aspirin. Plus to keep the attention of the subjects they sent out a promotional letter, that said it was the last chance for free medical treatment. Another doctor explained that if the patients become aware that accepting the free medical resulted in post-mortem, then they would lose all of their patients. Even the Surgeon General of America assisted in luring black men with syphilis to remain in the experiments, by sending them letters of appreciation after 25 years into the study (drum). Its not hard to assume that all of the government officials were racist, but they do you explain the local black collaborating doctors, people participated in these trial and error procedures (drum). The most know black nurse is Eunice Rivers. She explained on a report that her role was only passive obedient, she explained that she was only following doctors orders. Having her on their side was only helping gain trust within the black community in Alabama (drum). In 1973 the NAACP filed for a nine million dollar lawsuit, the money was divided upon the remaining patients who either survived or were affected unfairly. The case never came to trial until December, 1974, the government agreed to a $10 million out of court settlement. The living victims from the experiments each received 37,500 in damages, the living family members of the deceased, received 15,000 dollars (drum). The medical doctors involved in these experiments never apologized or admitted to any wrong doing. In 1990, a survey showed that 10 percent of African Americans believed that the United States government created AIDS as a plan to eliminate blacks, and another 20 percent could not rule out that this could possibly be true. As absurd and neurotic as this may sound, at one time the Tuskegee experiment must have seemed equally bizarre (Time). Who would think that the government, all the way up to the Surgeon General of the United States, deliberately allowing a group of its citizens to die from an awful disease for the behalf of a preposterous experiment (drum)? With this in mind and many other embarrassing occurrences in our history, African Americans far-flung mistrust of the government and white society in general should not be a shock to anyone (drum). It wasnt until 1997 that the government formally apologized for the corrupt study. President Clinton conveyed the apology, saying what the government had done was genuinely, thoroughly and morally wrong (NPR). Bill Clinton had stated in the apology, ââ¬Å"To the survivors, to the wives and family members, the children and the grandchildren. What was done cannot be undone. But we can end the silence. We can stop turning our heads away. We can look at you in the eye and finally say, on behalf of the American people: what the United States government did was shameful. â⬠(NPR). Remembering the Tuskegee E. NPR. NPR. Web. npr. org/programs/morning/features/2002/jul/tuskegee/. Time Magazine. Web. time. com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,2024238,00. html. THE TUSKEGEE SYPHILIS EXPERIMENT. THE TALKING DRUM. Web. 08 Mar. 2012. http://thetalkingdrum. com/tus. html.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Successful Painting Arcrylics essays
Successful Painting Arcrylics essays Ching Hao once said, "There are six essentials in painting. The first is called spirit; the second , rhythm; the third, thought; the fourth, scenery; the fifth, the brush; and the last is the ink." This brings us to the three main steps to a successful acrylic painting: planning, preparing, and painting, to include all six of the essential elements. The first step to painting with acrylics is planning. Deciding what to paint is the first step of planning for most. Sometimes inspiration comes from just wanting to paint and then deciding what to paint or seeing something first and then deciding to paint it. A small minority of artists simply pick up a brush and start painting without any plan of action. Sometimes this method leads to disastrous results, but the artist usually develops a plan as they go along, eventually acquiring a subject for their piece. For the beginner though, picking a subject or scene is usually the best idea. Once an idea or subject is acquired, sketching it is the next step so that a clearer view can be attained as well as working out any problems with proportion or details. After a sketch is drawn and possible problems worked out, a workplace needs to be found. It needs to be quiet with minimal distractions and a place where there is no danger of your easel being knocked over. It is also a go od idea if it is a place that is easy to clean or doesn't matter if paint gets on the surrounding surfaces. The next main step is preparation. For this step the workplace need to be prepared, for example, plastic laid on the floor or surrounding objects that shouldn't get paint on them. The canvas size you wish to use also needs to be brought to the workplace, as well as brushes and paint. Paper towels, a water bowl and water are also necessary to have for cleaning and using different colors for the same brush. The next step is preparing the canvas. For acrylics there r ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Court Case of Brown v. Board of Education
Court Case of Brown v. Board of Education The 1954 case of Brown v. Board of Education ended with a Supreme Court decision that helped lead to the desegregation of schools throughout America. Prior to the ruling, African-American children in Topeka, Kansas were denied access to all-white schools due to laws allowing for separate but equal facilities. The idea of separate but equal was given legal standing with the 1896à Supreme Courtà ruling inà Plessy v. Ferguson. This doctrine required that any separate facilities had to be of equal quality. However, the plaintiffs in Brown v. Board of Education successfully argued that segregation was inherently unequal.à Case Background In the early 1950s, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) brought class action lawsuits against school districts in several states, seeking court orders that would require the districts to allow black children to attend white schools. One of these suits was filed against the board of education in Topeka, Kansas, on behalf of Oliver Brown, a parent of a child who was denied access to white schools in the Topeka school district. The original case was tried in a district court and was defeated on the grounds that the black schools and white schools were sufficiently equal and therefore segregated schooling in the district was protected under the Plessy decision. The case was then heard by the Supreme Court in 1954, along with other similar cases from around the country, and it became known as Brown v. Board of Education. The chief council for the plaintiffs was Thurgood Marshall, who later became the first black Justice appointed to the Supreme Court. Brownââ¬â¢s Argument The lower court that ruled against Brown focused on comparisons of basic facilities offered in both the black and white schools of the Topeka school district. By contrast, the Supreme Court case involved a much more in-depth analysis, looking at the effects that the different environments had on the students. The Court determined that segregation led to lowered self-esteem and a lack of confidence that could affect a childââ¬â¢s ability to learn. It found thatà separating students by race sent the message to black students that they were inferior to white students and therefore schools serving each race separately could never be equal.à The Significance ofBrown v. Board of Education Theà Brownà decision was truly significant because it overturned the separate but equal doctrine established by the Plessy decision. While previously the 13th Amendment to theà Constitutionà was interpreted so that equality before the law could be met through segregated facilities, withà Brownà this was no longer true. Theà 14th Amendmentà guarantees equal protection under the law, and the Court ruled that separate facilities based on race were ipso facto unequal. Compelling Evidence One piece of evidence that greatly influenced the Supreme Court decision was based on researchà performed by two educational psychologists, Kenneth, and Mamie Clark. The Clarks presented children as young as 3 years old with white and brown dolls. They found that overall the children rejected the brown dolls when asked to pick which dolls they liked the best, wanted to play with, and thought were a nice color. This underlined the inherent inequality of a separate educational system based on race.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
China is one of the Main Countries that Export Their Goods to the Essay
China is one of the Main Countries that Export Their Goods to the United States - Essay Example Putting tariffs on the goods from China to the United States has been one of the most controversial debates. There has been a section of the society that have insisted on the importance of, and urgency with which goods from China should be subjected to tariffs. However, another section has warned of possible repercussions should this policy be implemented. This paper seeks to defend the decision to put tariff on tires from China. China remains the main threat to the economy of the United States. This is because it is taking up the markets that were previously a preserve for the United States. It has come up with cheap products in the world market because they have reduced cost of production due to cheap labor in their home country. This has seen them acquire various markets in the world, including the market in the United States. As Sandwick (56) says, although it is good to encourage competition within the economy in order to facilitate fair trade, some competitions are obviously un fair. This scholar points out to the fact that in the process of facilitating fair trade, care should be taken to ensure that none of the players have an unfair advantage over others. The tires from China have been made using very cheap labor back in the parent country. When they are brought to the United States, they come with prices that reflect the cost of labor. There are other firms within the United States producing the same products locally with the cost of labor being much higher than that in China. This local US firm will also bring their products to the American market taking into account the cost of production. When the two competitors meet in the same market, the Chinese firms will have an unfair advantage over other firms. Their prices will definitely be more attractive than those of the local firms. This will result in a situation where these foreign firms will cannibalize the local firms. They would take the largest share of the local market, and due to frustration, t he local firms would be forced out of the market, or be absorbed by the foreign firm. It can be very unfortunate when a foreign firm drives out the local firms from the market. The situation is worsened by the fact that these local firms cannot export to China because back in China, the prices would even be lower and these American firms would need to incur transport and other costs. Other markets around the world have also been taken by these Chinese firms with very cheap products. This would completely eliminate the local firms from the market, a fact that can lead to serious pressure on the economy. Some individuals have argued that China is one of the main countries where the United States exports their products. These pundits argue that by imposing tariffs on the Chinese goods, the Chinese government may respond by imposing the same on the American products coming to their country, a fact that would reduce profits of the American exporters. Although this argument is very valid, a mathematical calculation would still point out that the US stands to lose if the tariffs are not imposed. This is because Chinese export to the US is fast outgrowing its imports from the US. This is even worsened by the fact that the Chinese exports are so cheap, thereby posing serious threats to the US firms. It is a fact that by imposing a tax, the US exporters may feel the pinch. However, it would protect the local firms; hence protecting the local economy from a possible wipeout by the Chinese firms. Rollin argues that
Friday, October 18, 2019
Assignment - Intervention and Assistive Technology
- Intervention and Assistive Technology - Assignment Example In years past, however, it often took a great deal of time before a child was tested for disabilities, and then even more time to properly diagnose the disability and create an individual education plan designed to help the student get back on track academically and socially. This is time wasted that can never be claim. In addition, students are all to often incorrectly diagnosed as having a disability, creating a stigma that is long lasting and causing academic and social difficulties for the student. Response to Intervention (RTI) is that methodology that seeks to solve this issue. The aim of RTI is to provide testing and services to students with disabilities as quickly as possible in an effort to get valuable rehabilitation services set in motion. This paper seeks to explain the process and its importance on the field of education, particularly in the area of special education. Summary of Response to Intervention In essence, response to intervention (RTI) is ââ¬Å"a multilayered system that can prevent academic and social failure before a student is unnecessarily or prematurely identified as having a disabilityâ⬠(Beard, Carpenter, & Johnston, 2011, p. 28). Children today suffer from enough pressure that educators should be cautious about adding to that. Often times, young people have difficulty learning, but they cannot express what they are feeling. While it is important, as professional educators, to intervene and strive to provide any assistance necessary, it is equally important that the child not feel singled out and threatened. Response to Intervention is designed to improve the process by which students with disabilities are tested, diagnosed, and educated. Simply put, RTI is designed to provide needed assistance to students who are having difficulty learning. Response to Intervention is a methodology that dictates this intervention is to be provided as early as possible and in a systematic manner. The goal is to provide help to students that will enable them to succeed academically, rather than failing because certain learning disabilities go undiagnosed. This is accomplished not only through early intervention, but also through frequent progress updates, and by providing researching-based interventions that are meant to help children who continue to experience difficulty learning. In the early days of diagnosing learning disabilities, the focus was on comparing IQ test scores with academic achievement. If there were a discrepancy noted, then children would be further tested to determine if they have some special needs that needed to be accommodated. The problem with this method was that it could take years to let this strategy run its course, during which time the child would likely continue to fail academically and become increasingly frustrated. In order to shorten the time required to intervene and provide children with much needed assistance, RTI was developed in an effort to quickly locate a specific learning disa bility much more quickly than the previous model allowed for. In addition, RTI fits well within the parameters of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004. Educators must be careful, however, when using RTI to ensure that they are truly identifying students who have learning disabilities, and not simply labeling children as such because they are low achievers. The two are not necessarily related, and improperly
Gramsci's Philosophy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Gramsci's Philosophy - Assignment Example This is because any slight manifestation of intellectual activityin any language contains varied conceptions of the world. The diverse conceptions are necessitated by the fact that everyone is unique in his or her way. Thereafter, an individual may be compelled to move to the next level of conceptualization, which entails criticism and awareness. In other words, spontaneous philosophy gives people insights on how their world is; thus, they are presented with the opportunity to take part in everything that occurs in it. Spontaneous philosophy consists of three elements namely;common sense and good sense, language and religion. First, the language in spontaneous philosophy should not have baseless words, but concepts and notions that have content. Common sense as an element of spontaneous philosophy refers to the illogical set of held beliefs and assumptions common to any society; whereas good sense refers to the concrete realistic, common sense in the English meaning of the term. Gram sciââ¬â¢s intention in conceptualizing spontaneous philosophy aims at giving individuals an opportunity to criticize their own conceptions of the world. This in turn, makes the world comprehensible and raises it to a level that can only be reached by the utmost advanced opinions in the whole world. In addition to that, acquiring oneââ¬â¢s own conception of the world puts an individual within the same social framework with other individuals who are likely to share the same philosophy. 2. Discuss in detail the passage from spontaneous philosophy to philosophy of Praxis. Engage the moment of critical awareness, which serves as a transition. What, then, is philosophy of Praxis and what sets it apart from spontaneous philosophy? Spontaneous philosophy begins with individuals viewing themselves as philosophers. This is magnified by the fact that everyone is unique in his or her own way; thus, they view the world differently. The varied conceptualization of the world makes one belong to a particular group where common thoughts are shared. In these groups, thoughts and conceptualizations of individuals are tailored to make them be at par with the worldââ¬â¢s most advanced thoughts. This forms the starting point of oneââ¬â¢s critical elaboration since he gets the opportunity to have knowledge of himself. After comprehension of oneself, individuals are supposed to have a better understanding of the philosophical history as well as the history of culture. Knowledge of oneââ¬â¢s history of culture and philosophy puts one in a better place to have a clear and critical conception of the world. Understanding oneââ¬â¢s language is also central in conceptualizing the world since it lessens the intricacy in comprehending things. Language understanding also enables the translation of one culture to the other; thus, producing a new culture with an extraordinary element of intellectualorder and harmonizationis made easier. The philosophy of Praxis denotes the soc io-practical activity whereby actions and thoughts are mutually determined. It cannot present itself at the beginning in a critical and polemical appearance, but as superseding the prevailing perceptible thoughts and the existing modes of thinking. First, it must be criticize the commonsense notion, basing its arguments that everyone is a philosopher in his or her own way. Then, it must criticize the philosophy of intellectuals, from which the history of philosophy developed. Having understood these criticisms, one may conclude that philosophy of Praxis leads to a higher life conception and does not leave simple details in their nascent philosophy of common sense. 3. Discuss the differences between the two great (in Gramsciââ¬â¢
Cerebral palsy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Cerebral palsy - Research Paper Example William Little in 1861 and then this disease was called little disease for a long time. After some time Littleââ¬â¢s idea was changed to some extent by some other physicians such as Sigmund Feud proposing that even insults during pregnancy faced by the mother can cause this disorder in the child even before the birth. Major causes of Cerebral Palsy occur in parental age which is known as age from birth to first five years (Berker and Yalcin, 47-57). CP is the most common cause of the disability occurring in childhood in Western Societies. It was thought previously that increased cared during, pregnancy, infant caring system and early parental period can decrease the intensity of the disease yet it is not proved as probability of the disease increased between 1980ââ¬â¢s and 1990ââ¬â¢s greatly. Certain factors that are involved in the early child hood can increase the chances of CP (cerebral palsy) to occur in the children. Even presence of a single risk among all the risk fac tors involved in the aid of disease to happen can increase the chance of disorder to happen in the child as compared to the normal population of babies. Risk factors involved are divided into three main types that prenatal, perinatal and postnatal factors. Prematurity and low birth rates that exist heavily in the western countries are the two main factors that lead to CP. Postnatal risk are also a main factor that exists in rest of the world (Berker and Yalcin, 47-57). A clear relation exists between CP and birth weights. Low weight increases the risk than can result in the disease. Increase in quantity of waste products can affect the development of CNS. Multiple pregnancies can also increase the risk factor. Baby which carries these risks should be taken into extreme care by the medical professionals and parents from the time of birth to early five years which are known as parental years. Other risk factors include bleeding in the brain, brain infections, head injuries and infecti ons affecting the mother and ultimately the child during pregnancy. In some cases however the cause of CP can never be determined (Chan). Clinical analysis of the behavior of the children that are suffering with CP include impairments in CNS, muscle tone, strength and selectivity that are directly related to the damage of the baby in CNS. Secondary problems faced by the children are based on these primary problems. Tertiary problems occur due to the adaptive mechanism followed by the child to deal with primary and secondary problems. Muscles grow due to stretches that occur as a result of active movement. When a child moves and plays it results in a necessary movement of muscles that is required by them to grow properly. This leads to the fact that the child which cannot play due to poor selective control and abnormal balance is having a greater chance of carrying CP. As a result muscles do not grow result in an abnormality in the movement and posture in future (Berker and Yalcin, 4 7-57). Abnormality caused due to lack of muscle movement can result in partial or complete malfunctioning in different parts of the body shown in the diagram as follows: CP due to lack of movement muscles Source: The movement problem during infancy period is not apparent. It happens in the period after the infancy when the children carrying CP show delay in muscle related
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Technology, Literacy, Authentic Assessment Article
Technology, Literacy, Authentic Assessment - Article Example The Shanahans drew their population from grade, middle, and high school students (Timothy and Cynthia, 2012). The article deduced that teaching disciplinary literacy would offer learning benefits middle and high school students. The article provides keywords expected to be found by readers throughout the article, which is positive because it prepares them. The keywords are terms that the Shanahans consider important for understanding disciplinary literacy. I found it also helpful that the article does not contained any other unexplained terminology or complex diction, which makes it simpler for the average reader to understand it. The only downside I witnessed with the article is the authorsââ¬â¢ professional-amateur contrast wherein they gathered open information. Here, the authors do not succeed in linking expertsââ¬â¢ ââ¬Å"illiteracyâ⬠in disciplinary literacy to teachersââ¬â¢ tools or solutions for teaching their classes today. The article could have used a quantitative approach for this particular section to establish a thorough demonstration of responsibility for disciplinary illiteracy amongst schools today. Researchers William R. Watson, Christopher J. Mong, and Constance A. Harris conducted the study at a remote high school in a small town in the Midwestern United States. The study was aimed at exploring the situation of a second-years high school class. Watson, Mong, and Harris used a population of four classes by a specific teacher with each an estimated count of 25 students (Watson, Mong, and Harris, 2011). The study was conducted by analyzing a video game made for academic purposes pertaining to the Second World War called Making History. Watson, Mong, and Harris collected observational data, focus group and questionnaire fillings, and record reviews. The study found out that using video games to teach in classrooms leads to a change from a conventional teacher-focused learning
Final exam praperation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Final exam praperation - Essay Example These were ranked to have higher survival rate compared to the other media that was available such as fresco wall paintings and other textiles. Despite the materiality being mixed with a culture that was full of barbaric artists, it led to the growth of artistic heritage of the Roman Empire and the iconographic traditions of the early Christian church. It also resulted in the production of the remarkable legacy of artists (Low, 2012). Monastic influence contributed more in the production of this early medieval art and architecture in many ways. Monk and nuns had a duty of performing occasional practical services during the early days. They nursed the sick, assisted those that were poor gave advice to the leaders that do not believe in God and provided shelter. For the culture as a whole, monasticism offered the society a spiritual outlet and dealt with important consequences for the medieval art. Encouragement of legacy, learning and kept the principals of the ancient journalism was the work that entitled to monks and nuns (Low, 2012). A community that comprised of men and women was to be governed by the set of regulations that were formed by monks. During this period, Christianity was described as being the late antique art. The changing phase was undergone in the new Roman art during this time, and it later abandoned classical style and Greek realism. The leaving gave an impact, and it was done in favor of mystical and hieratic style. Monasticism was then regarded as the primary on the impartial art that came because of the eastern parts of the empire (Low, 2012). I agree. Gregory was more educated, and he was known for his prolific writings when compared to his predecessors as pope. He was the founder of the present dayââ¬â¢s revision of the Roman worship, and he was the author of developments and contributions of the divine
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Technology, Literacy, Authentic Assessment Article
Technology, Literacy, Authentic Assessment - Article Example The Shanahans drew their population from grade, middle, and high school students (Timothy and Cynthia, 2012). The article deduced that teaching disciplinary literacy would offer learning benefits middle and high school students. The article provides keywords expected to be found by readers throughout the article, which is positive because it prepares them. The keywords are terms that the Shanahans consider important for understanding disciplinary literacy. I found it also helpful that the article does not contained any other unexplained terminology or complex diction, which makes it simpler for the average reader to understand it. The only downside I witnessed with the article is the authorsââ¬â¢ professional-amateur contrast wherein they gathered open information. Here, the authors do not succeed in linking expertsââ¬â¢ ââ¬Å"illiteracyâ⬠in disciplinary literacy to teachersââ¬â¢ tools or solutions for teaching their classes today. The article could have used a quantitative approach for this particular section to establish a thorough demonstration of responsibility for disciplinary illiteracy amongst schools today. Researchers William R. Watson, Christopher J. Mong, and Constance A. Harris conducted the study at a remote high school in a small town in the Midwestern United States. The study was aimed at exploring the situation of a second-years high school class. Watson, Mong, and Harris used a population of four classes by a specific teacher with each an estimated count of 25 students (Watson, Mong, and Harris, 2011). The study was conducted by analyzing a video game made for academic purposes pertaining to the Second World War called Making History. Watson, Mong, and Harris collected observational data, focus group and questionnaire fillings, and record reviews. The study found out that using video games to teach in classrooms leads to a change from a conventional teacher-focused learning
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Dissection and graded assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Dissection and graded - Assignment Example A progressive disorder can be dealt with if proper genetic testing is done, but at times unpreventable diseases are found out by genetic testing. In these cases there are ethical issues which may arise. An example of an ethical issue arising due to genetic testing is the chance of someone using a personââ¬â¢s personal information against someone which could prove to be harmful. Hence it can be clearly stated that genetic testing is a matter of privacy and individual choice. Laws passed by HIPAA and GINA protect personal information of those being tested and eradicate the chances of discrimination (Norrgard, 2008). 1. You are an epidemiologist at a county hospital. The hospital has asked you to examine the effects of antibiotics administered to patients before surgery that involves opening of the chest cavity. The time frame for administration of antibiotics to patients before surgery is 2-hour intervals for up to 24 hours. The overall objective of the study is to reduce surgical infections and deaths associated with surgery. The hospital administration has given you 15 years to complete the study. The purpose of administering antibiotics prophylactically is important prior to any surgery. The main need for this administration is to prevent any possible post-surgery infections. The possible wound infections result in extended stays of patients at hospitals. These infections develop due to microbial virulence factors, local factors, surgical techniques and systemic factors. Over the years epidemiologists at the hospital facility worked to choose the best suitable antibiotic. The antibiotic had low toxicity and low chances of allergies. The antibiotic of choice was given 30 minutes before the surgery. The concentration of the drug given was adjusted with the duration of surgery. In surgeries which involved incising the chest cavity, the antibiotic of choice was cefazolin (Holzheimer, 2001). A comparative study was carried out between the efficacies of two
Monday, October 14, 2019
Adverse Possession: Law and Effect
Adverse Possession: Law and Effect Rebecca McKittrick To adequately address the controversy between whether or not adverse possession in England/Wales and positive prescription in Scotland are similar in effect, the law in both jurisdictions must first be discussed. Only then can the effects of same can be established and compared. When a property owner fails (within a specified time frame) to evict a squatter[1] from their property their title is extinguished, as a result they cannot recover possession. This is the essence of the doctrine of adverse possession. Adverse possession is by no means a novel or modern idea. Traces of this doctrine can be found back as far as Roman law with uscapio and longi temporis praescriptio, with common law roots dating to the feudal times.[2] As with all law, it has evolved and advanced through the use of both statute and case law. Thus a doctrine permitting the acquisition of ones land by another has long since been created. Perhaps one of the most interesting aspects of this doctrine is the rationale behind it. One such notion is that there is a pragmatic expectation that any property owner will assert their title against any and all intruders.[3] The argument goes that if property owners fail to affirm their rights against the trespasser then they are not a responsible owner, thus are not entitled to own the property. This echoes the legal maxim vigilantibus ton dormientibus lex succrit the law will only assist those who remain alert, not those who sleep. Additionally the policy considerations[4], the quieting of title[5], are adhered to. Some commentators have noted that this doctrine mutates a squatters initial wrong (theft) into an eventual right (land title).[6] Thus, it must be questioned whether there is value in upholding such a doctrine, due to its somewhat controversial nature, which notably evokes a strong emotional response due to the misconception of it as little more than legal theft.[7] A s a result of avoiding the obligation of payment for land, by engaging in this more primitive acquisition of it[8], squatters are often portrayed in a negative light such that they are stealing the patch of another.[9] This highlights the inevitable debate of the validity of such a doctrine for why should a person not be free to do whatever they so please with their property, even if that means doing nothing? Nevertheless such discussion for present purposes will not be furthered. The present law on adverse possession in England was initially formalised in common law in 1962.[10] In spite of this, as noted earlier, the law has been subject to alterations and evolutions through a number of leading cases.[11] As a result, although the current law does fall within the doctrine of general limitations, the infamously flexible judge-made law must be consulted for the relevant principles. In a sense the law of adverse possession is similar to that of criminal law there are two fundamental requirements, one physical and one mental. In adverse possession there must be factual possession and animus possedendi, the latter being the more contested issue in practice. As commentators have noted, much academic and judicial ink has been spilt in trying to determine in what circumstances possession could be deemed to have taken place and when it was also adverse'.[12] In the case of McFarlane[13], Mr Justice Slade spoke about what is necessitated by the requirement of animus possedendi. Ostensibly it was noted that the squatter must possess the intention to exclude the world at large, which inevitably includes the true owner, so far as the law will allow and is reasonably practicable.[14] It should be noted that for a significant length of time, what exactly the squatter had to intend was quite unclear. It is evident from the case law that different judgments purported differi ng requirements. For example it had been held that a squatter couldnt simply intend to possess the land, this of course was a requirement but, they must also intend to exclude all others from it (including the paper owner).[15] Subsequently it was emphasised that the requisite intention was simply that the squatter intended to possess the land.[16] Thus the question arose as to whether or not intention to exclude, in addition to the intention to possess, was an aspect of the animus possidendi requirement. Recently the House of Lords clarified the matter wherein it was held that the requisite intention was simply the intention to possess.[17] The courts must consider several factors in order to establish animus possidendi. These factors go beyond simply the nature of the actions undertaken by the squatter and the evidence as to their intention. The courts must identify whether the possession was adverse, as well as whether the acts of the squatter were such that the intention to possess was unequivocal and that this intention was made clear to the world. If the courts establish that these actions were in fact equivocal, that the intention was ambiguous or simply not made plain then the claim for adverse possession will fail.[18] The squatter must be in possession of the land in a manner inconsistent with the true owner before the time period will run.[19] It has been noted that possession with consent of the paper owner will not usually give rise to adverse possession[20] and prior consent will prevent the limitation period from running[21]. Nevertheless, there are certain contestable situations that may occur in practice . The issue of implied consent[22], and whether or not there was a granting of a license[23] are just two examples of how consent can affect the outcome of the individual case. In order to substantiate a claim for adverse possession the squatter must, in satisfying the requirement of possession[24], establish a sufficient degree of physical control over the property.[25] The notion of a sufficient degree[26] evolved throughout the case law, similarly to the test to establish it. Interestingly these disputes can occur in a wide variety of circumstances. For example there have been cases indicating the possibility of adversely possessing a specific portion of a house[27]. The courts apply an objective test relating to the nature and quality of the property, seemingly however no consideration or variation will be afforded by virtue of the status of the parties to the case.[28] Evidently any possession must be open[29], actual, continuous and exclusive[30]. In applying the objective standard to exclusivity the physical enclosure of land is relevant but not determinative[31]. Generally fencing will satisfy the requirements of factual possession. However, the purpose of the fencing will be taken into account. For instance if the fencing was in place to enclose livestock, as opposed to preventing access to the property, it will not satisfy the prerequisite for a claim of adverse possession[32]. In the Adams[33]case Mr Justice Laddie delved into the nature and purpose of fencing. This discussion can be interpreted as meaning both entry and exit from the property. Notably the squatter need not maintain the fencing for the purposes of both. Nevertheless, fencing is presumably the most self-evident form of factual possession[34]. It is clear that although no variation is given in accordance with the situation of the parties, there is variance dependent upon the na ture of the property being possessed[35]. Consequently a person can be held to be in possession of property by cultivating land[36], shooting over it[37] or by simply leaving it vacant[38]. Thus it is clear the finding of adverse possession is circumstantial. As a result the main issues in practice is the determination of whether the acts undertaken are sufficient to constitute possession[39]. Additionally, in accordance with common sense, it must be noted that the acts of possession need not necessarily inconvenience the true owner[40]. To mandate such a requirement would potentially, and it is submitted most likely, result in an action being brought against the squatter much sooner. Therefore a lot, if not the vast majority, of cases of adverse possession would be prevented from ever reaching fruition. Following from this it is clear that a mere act of trespass will, notwithstanding the variance depending upon the nature of the land, be insufficient to warrant an adverse possession claim[41]. The doctrine of adverse possession gained much clarity with the Pye[42] decision in 2006. Herein Lord Browne-Wilkinson purported that reference to adverse possession should be avoided as much as possible. The rationale being that by doing so, a lot of the confusion and complication that arises would be avoided. It was submitted that in such cases there is a simple question. The court, it was asserted, need only answer whether the squatter dispossessed the true owner by being in ordinary possession of the property, without consent, for the required time period. Throughout his judgment Lord Browne-Wilkinson seemingly claimed there was an over conceptualisation of the doctrine of adverse possession. In relation to the debate as to what constitutes adverse possession, he suggested that what needs to be established is whether the possession is without the owners consent. This case adopted the approach in McFarlane[43] wherein the nature and use of the property was the key test. Thus to sa tisfy factual possession one seemingly need only have sufficient custody and control for ones own use[44]. As noted earlier, the effect of the doctrine is governed by both statute and case law. Although the precedent set out above plays an important role in the deciding of cases, new statutory changes[45] have significantly limited the scope of this doctrine. It has been suggested that this restriction is to be commended for creating a more rational and secure footing for the law.[46] The new law provides for circumstances consistent with the system of land registry wherein titles can be abandoned or registered under certain acts. The 2002 Act[47] addressed concerns regarding the ease at which an individuals property could be adversely possessed[48]. Thus with the enactment of the legislation came a significant change such that the burden shifted from the true owner[49]. Prior to this reform, the paper owner had been required to remain alert and ensure their land was not being adversely possessed. As per the 2002 Act[50] however the squatter now bears the burden such that they must have a dverse possessed the property for a minimum of ten years before making an application.[51] The true owner can, of course, protect their title by objecting to the application. This objection will render the application incomplete. If the squatters application is rendered incomplete, they need only remain in possession for a period of two years before they can re-apply. There are different options available to the true owner in the event of an application[52]. If the paper owner chooses to ignore or confirm[53] the application then the squatter will be registered as the proprietor. The 2002 Act[54] also provides for serving counter-notice[55]. This requires the registrar to operate under paragraph 5 of Schedule 6. As a result a squatter may not be registered in place of the true owner irrespective of whether they have established factual possession or not. However his is subject to three exceptions[56] which highlight not only the equitable principles intrinsic to the doctrine but als o the policy considerations upon which it is premised. Although possible to identify numerous categories within the doctrine itself[57], it is clear that the requirements of factual possession and intent are at the heart of understanding its effect. The fact the squatter must show that they had the intention to possess the land and put it to their own use, as well as proof of physical possession illuminates both the equitable and legal transfer of property rights by the creation of an added dimension. The aspects present in establishing adverse possession, as discussed earlier[58], are of utmost importance regarding the effect of this doctrine. As seen throughout the case law, in reality it is these elements which determine the outcome of the case. Thus they dictate the effect upon the individual and the disputed property. Positive Prescription: Law and Effect Positive prescription is the existing system of land acquisition under Scots law, the name given to the hybrid legal system in Scotland. There is an interesting difference in development between Scots Law and the English common law system. Scots law does not simply follow suit as so many other jurisdictions do, rather they created principles consequential to the work of French and Italian scholars, with Roman law proving particularly influential[59]. Whilst some commentators have noted the similarities between the nature of Scots law and that of other jurisdictions (namely Sri Lanka and South Africa)[60], it did in fact develop, as part of the ius commune[61], with influences from both civil and Canon law. Unsurprisingly, due to both proximity and relationship, Scots law has inevitably also been affected by the influence of common law[62]. Therefore certain similarities may be drawn. Nevertheless it must be noted that Scots law is a very unique, distinct native system wherein legislation is king. Interestingly the first of the legislation governing positive prescription, a creature of Scots law, is from the sixteenth century.[63] Similarly to adverse possession, prescription has roots in Roman law wherein it played an important role regarding property law. Here title was acquired through possession, or where an individual failed to meet the formalities which would deny such appropriation[64]. Initially the rationale was established to distinguish between prescription granting title and that preventing a claim of title against the squatter. As noted, positive prescription had many muses one of which was Canon law. Herein a great deal of importance was given to the bone fide[65] possession of the property. Positive prescription is unlike adverse possession in the sense that historically its role was one of conveyancing, not a method self-acquisition or legal theft. Initially the legislation[66] simply had the effect of restricting the right to call on a possessor to produce his full progress of titles[67]. Effectively once the period of possession [68] was completed this was seen to be confirmation of title. If the period of possession was unfulfilled, the progression of derivative titles was incomplete. Subsequently the transfer of title would have been denied. Continuous, open, peaceable possession of a registered title (which is reflective of a real right) for 10 consecutive years (devoid of judicial interruption) will result in the indicated real right and this right will be free from challenge[69]. This exemption from challenge has been subject to much debate, nevertheless the modus operandi is to ensure secure title.[70] Notably in a discussion paper the Scottish Law Commission purported that a positive system of registration of title is no substitute for positive prescription.[71] They continued, focusing on the exemption from challenge. It was noted how registration of title simply makes a void title good but is subject to challenges, whereas prescription makes title good without recourse to challenge. Although the central ideology of system of positive prescription is to serve public interest[72] it may be viewed as a means of deprivation of property. Thus positive prescription, like the doctrine of adverse possession in England and Wales, has an important role regarding property ownership. That said, in Scotland by virtue of acquisition by prescription as per the 1973 Act[73], both possession and title are required. Contrarily the doctrine of adverse possession is such that the title of the true owner is lost via limitation. The Act further provides for circumstances wherein the title is registered in the land register or the register of deeds[74], or where it is not recorded[75]. The first of these situations mandates possession for a period of ten years, whilst the second holds a requisite period of possession of twenty years. The rationale, or objective, for the registry is similar to that of the model in England. Nevertheless there is a stark difference in the length of time mandated for possession. That said, in establishing either adverse possession or positive prescription what the court looks to is very similar if not identical. A Comparative Analysis of Effect In order to adequately assess the effect of both adverse possession and positive prescription we must first look to their justifications. Commentators have often noted that adverse possession simply executes what is deemed to be a pragmatic expectation which came into existence during a time where an individual would have to forcefully assert their title against intruders[76]. However this may be seen to be quite an archaic justification, and that in modern times the only purpose of such doctrines is to provide a legal form of theft. Additionally it has been purported that the law in this area is too harsh, especially in considering the human rights implications[77]. Nonetheless, there are in fact many valid considerations in favour of such laws, which in turn highlight the effect of the doctrines. The first justification to discuss is the infamous Lockean labour- desert theory. Locke asserted that an individual has a natural entitlement to land if it is used productively. In todays world, it is increasingly clear that land is a finite resource. Thus it is difficult to argue against the notion that property ought be granted to the useful labourer as opposed to the incompetent fainà ©ant. Although the context with which Lockes theory was concerned was unowned property, it seems to present a logical justification to the doctrines at hand. As briefly alluded to in the discussion of adverse possession, one justification for such a doctrine is in relation to the quieting of title. The policy concern is the continuation of markets, as well as the desire to minimise tensions and conflicts. Courts have held that the objective of any statutes of limitation is to prevent claims from arising after unreasonable amounts of time have passed[78]. If causes of action were unlimited by time restraints it would breach the basic rules of fair procedures and justice evidence could and would become lost, and memory by its very nature deteriorates with age. It could be said that this justifications retains elements of capitalism, however it serves to protect the innocent third party who purchases property whilst also providing pragmatic benefits (such as efficiency, registration and land use)[79]. Notably other countries, for example the United States or even Brazil, cite grounds including protecting development and initiative of the individual as justification.[80] As such it is important to note that in England and Scotland by the 18th Century most land had been enclosed[81] thus the concerns were in relation to the clarification of boundaries and titles. Which perhaps surprisingly, due to the reputation of the doctrines legalising theft, are in actuality the areas within which most cases fall. Interestingly in Scotland a landowners power is seen as intrinsic to the interrelationship with cultural symbols related to the land[82]. The notion of symbols having a sociohistorical significance (with it being connected to social standing and groupings) offers a different view to the effect of the doctrines. This understanding highlights that any decision made can and will have significant social consequences for the parties involved. In common law the doctrine of adverse possession was originally premised upon customs and traditions. Thus the systems of acquisition date back to the introduction of personal property. That said, they have since become more regulated and civilised. Although some commentators argue that the doctrine became ubiquitous only after the Norman conquest, with others stating its prevalence dates simply to British feudalism[83], it is self-evident that the possession of vacant land was an intrinsic part of the global development of civilisations. Likewise title to land can be gleamed though the open, peaceable possession of land (provided there has been no judicial intervention) via the doctrine of prescription in Scotland. Whilst comparing the doctrines of adverse possession and positive prescription, differences are apparent for example the specific time periods required for possession, the consequence of enforcing the expiration date, or even simply the basis of the doctrine itself. Nevertheless, in reality the application of the rules to factual scenarios leads to results and effects of great similarity such that they are often identical. Conclusion It is clear that courts have been faced with similar issues when dealing with cases of adverse possession and positive prescription. For example, issues arise in attempting to ascertain which acts of possession should be afforded the greater weight, or in establishing exclusion. As highlighted throughout the discussion, cases of positive prescription will not necessarily be determined using the same methodology as adverse possession. Adverse possession and positive prescription were established and have developed in very different forms nevertheless the effect of each remains the same. Positive prescription relies heavily upon the legislation, consistent with the approach of its native system, whilst adverse possession although makes use of legislation[84], relies to a large extent (as per the nature of common law) on case law. At first the doctrines seem to be completely distinct, however in reality the justifications and effects are of such similarity that in practice the doctrines could be interchanged without altering the result of the cases. Notably both doctrines have, at some point at least, taken the role of a guide for the other and it is submitted this will probably continue to be the case. Having evaluated the development, rationale and effect of the laws relating to adverse prescription in England/Wales and positive prescription in Scotland it is purported that, notwithstanding the difference in method and development, the effects of both are nigh on identical. 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